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Virtual Wardrobe Edit


Virtual Wardrobe Edit

Do you have items hanging in your wardrobe still with tags on? 

Do you feel overwhelmed when you open your wardrobe and can never find anything to wear?

Are you in a style rut and feel like you have lost your sense of style?  

Would you love advise on how to dress for your body shape and what items to let go of?

A wardrobe edit is such a great way to get your confidence back and to let go of items that no longer serve you.

Not only do we declutter your wardrobe but we also create outfits from what you have and put together a shopping list to fill the gaps.

A wardrobe edit can save you money in the long term, no more purchases that sit unworn in your wardrobe!

If we are unable to meet at your house then a virtual wardrobe edit is ideal and can be done through zoom or skype.

Package Includes:

  • style consultation via zoom

  • 2 hour virtual wardrobe edit

  • a personalised shopping list to fill the gaps

Investment: $895